From August 2015 the Committee comprises:

  • up to seven members selected by the Professional Council through a call for nominations;
  • the Chair, appointed by the Governing Board, from among the seven members selected as above;
  • a Governing Board/Professional Council liaison identified from the incoming Professional Council members;
  • a representative nominated by the Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL).

In addition to the members described above, the Chair or a representative nominated by the Chair, of the following groups are invited to the meetings of the Committee in an ex officio capacity (that is, not voting):

  • BCM Review Group
  • ISBD Review Group
  • LIDATEC Review Group
  • Permanent UNIMARC Committee.

Members selected for the Committee should ideally either be a member of a professional unit standing committee, or be affiliated to IFLA through membership (either an employee of an institutional member, or a member of an association member, or a personal affiliate).

Members are required to have experience with IFLA standards or standards in general and are expected to actively contribute to the practical work required to carry out the Committee’s responsibilities. Ideally the Governing Board will seek to have geographical representation and a mix of skills among the Committee members.

Casual vacancies on the Committee will be filled according to the Rules of Procedure for Standing Committee vacancies.

Terms of office

Committee members will normally be appointed for two years, to coincide with the term of the Governing Board. In making its appointments the Board will aim for some continuity in knowledge and experience in the membership from term to term.

Members may not serve more than two consecutive terms unless the second term is as Chair, in which case they may serve a third consecutive term as a member if re-appointed as Chair. A Chair may only serve two consecutive terms as Chair.

Members will be appointed by the incoming Governing Board and therefore take up office during the IFLA World Library and Information Congress.

A call for nominations will take place in October of even-numbered years, that is, in the year preceding elections. New members will be recommended by the Professional Council to the Governing Board at the April meetings, prior to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress later that year when they will be appointed and take up office.


The Committee shall meet on an as needs basis but at least once a year to carry out its responsibilities and provide timely advice to Governing Board, and to enable the effective management the IFLA standards programme. The Committee shall aim to meet face to face at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress and will meet electronically as required. The Chair reports regularly to the Governing Board on the work and discussions of the Committee.

Former Committee Membership

Chair (2019-2021): Renate Behrens, German National Library (second term)

Governing Board liaison (2019 – 2021): Minna von Zansen, Celia Library, Finland

Members (2019-2021):

  • Vincent Boulet, Bibliothèque nationale de France (first term)
  • Rehab Ouf, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt (second term)
  • Fatemeh Pazooki, Islamic Republic of Iran (first term)
  • Frederick Zarndt, Digital Divide Data, United States (first term)
  • Jing (Bella) Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University, China (second term)

Ex officio, non-voting:

HQ support: IFLA Professional Support Officer