Guests are welcome to join the Midyear Meeting of the Management and Marketing Section, which will take place Thursday, 18 February 18, 2021 from 15.00-18.00 CET.

You can join us via Zoom through this link:


1. Opening and confirmation of agenda (5 min)

2. Apologies for absence

3. Minutes from meetings in September (5 min)

4. News from Division IV and Governing Board (15 min)

5. Report from the meeting of the Jury for the International Marketing Award (15 min)

6. Action Plan 2020-2022 short follow-up (10 min)

7. Report from Coaching Initiative (10 min)

15 min BREAK!

8. Report from the Management Skill Building group (5 min)

9. Report from the Information Team (15 min)

10. Virtual conference on the theme ”Managing and Marketing Social Justice and Inclusion in Libraries” together with the IFLA section Library Services for People with Special Needs and Amsterdam University Library. (5 min)

11. Any other business (15 min)

12. Closing of meeting