The 12th meeting of the Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will take place from 16-20 June 2014 in New York. IFLA will attend to continue its engagement with the drafting of the SDGs and the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

What has happened so far at the OWG

During the previous OWG meetings, IFLA has worked with other NGOs and Member States to emphasise the importance of access to information for development. Our overall objective is to ensure that the Post-2015 development agenda recognizes this and includes goals and targets in relation to access to information, access to ICTs, and the importance of culture to development.

As the OWG prepares to meet for the 12th time, the latest draft of the draft SDGs document (The ‘Zero Draft’) contains language which does begin to address some of our concerns. We are pleased to see ICTs and culture included in the text, and slowly improving references to access to information. However, we believe that language in these areas can be greatly improved and have contacted Member States to suggest alternatives.

Culture and the Sustainable Development Goals

The need to include culture in the new framework is a rapidly emerging issue. During the 11th meeting of the OWG, the Culture and Sustainable Development in the Post-2015 Development Agenda group convened in New York. IFLA Governing Board member Loida Garcia-Febo joined their meeting and IFLA subsequently signed the Declaration on the Inclusion of Culture in the Sustainable Development Goals. Culture is an essential part of development and signing the declaration is a positive step towards strengthening partnerships and promoting common interests for the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

What is happening now

IFLA Governing Board members Loida Garcia-Febo and Gerald Leitner will attend the 12th OWG meeting in New York.

You can follow the discussion via #post2015, #culture2015goal, @post2015 and @loidagarciafebo