The SIG Library History Action Plan for 2017-18 is now on our website and as you read it you will see that the SIG is planning a session for the IFLA conference in Kuala Lumpur in 2018 and the session title is: "Transform Libraries. Transform Societies: Library Outreach to Marginalized Populations: Historical Perspectives".  A Call for Papers for the session is now issued.

The SIG  was very pleased to receive a number of contributions for the 2017 Wroclaw session Libraries in Times of Crisis: Historical Perspectives, and recently released attendance figures from the conference reveal that some 250 were in attendance, which is great news.   Since then and because so many of the abstracts received were so relevant to the topic,  I have negotiated with the Editor and team of IFLA Journal for a themed issue and have had a good response from many of the authors to progress this.

Please have a read of the SIG’s blog and the SIG’s webmaster Anup Kumar Das has been posting some interesting library history stories from India.  Which made me think that many of you would have interesting library history posts to make as well, so please go ahead.

Dr Kerry Smith

Convenor IFLA Library History SIG